Hello, my name is


Welcome to my portfolio site!

 I am a Miami University student graduating in May 2024 with a Bachelor of Science in Games + Simulation and minor in Computer Science. I've had a huge interest in web development and various other forms of Emerging Tech which is why you will see various differing projects shown here. This website is not a complete list of all projects I've completed/worked on and many of these projects are unpolished/incomplete.

 The various links at the top of this page will take you to projects or webpages I was/am/will-be working on! You can find points of contact and socials at the bottom of this page, here.

Resume & Contact

View Resume 


Website Development

  • Old Portfolio

    Older projects can be found HERE.

    Created with HTML/CSS in 2022

  • Mock Website of Fellow Student's Website

    An effort to convert site from a google edited site, to a custom site built on React.

    Created with React & Astro in 2022

  • College Esports Site

    Personal project site made to make college esports easier to understand

    Created with Next JS

  • App Catalog Website

    Software Engineering project focused on authentication and databases

    Created with Next JS in Fall 2023

Classwork / Coursework

  • 3D Scene Project

    Last project of 3D modeling course focused on modeling and blocking out scene.

    Created with Maya in Fall 2021

  • Building Model Project

    Modeling and texturing an existing building on campus for 3D modeling course.

    Created with Maya in Fall 2021

  • Building Model Project

    Progress picture of a campus building created for 3D modeling course.

    Created with Maya in Fall 2021

  • Character Story Animation Project

    Story focused character animation project. Model from HERE.

    Created with Maya in Fall 2022

  • Character Animation

    Basic idle animation.

    'Ray' model from HERE.

    Created with Maya in Fall 2022

  • Character Animation

    An 'injured' movement animation.

    'Ray' model from HERE.

    Created with Maya in Fall 2022

Varsity Esports Program

  • Miami University's Varsity Esports Social Media Forger/Intern

    Manage the varsity esports program's Twitter and Instagram pages.

    Started Spring 2022

  • Varsity Halo Weekly Graphic

    Created for the varsity esports program's socials for halo team.

    Created with Photoshop in Spring 2023

  • Varsity Halo Match Graphic

    Halo match result also created for the varsity esports program's socials.

    Created with Photoshop in Spring 2023

  • Halo Spartan Render

    Textured and posed by me. The model itself is from the Halo mod community.

    Created with Blender in Spring 2023

  • Varsity Esports Halo Video

    Created in my Motion Design Toolkit class as a passion project.

    Created with Notch in Fall 2022

  • Pulsating Rocket League Car

    Also created in my Motion Design Toolkit class as a passion project.

    Created with Touch Designer in Fall 2022

  • Halo Welcome Back Render

    Created for varsity esports program's socials.

    Created with Photoshop and Blender in Fall 2023

  • Rocket League Render

    Created for varsity esports program's socials.

    Created with Photoshop and Blender in Fall 2023